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Violence and GLBT Identified Persons

January 6, 2012

The Obama administration is attempting to use violence against GLBT (Gay, Lesbian Bisexual, Transgendered) identified persons to pressure other nations to change their laws and attitudes regarding sexuality and marriage. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s “Remarks in Recognition of International Human Rights Day”[1] are clearly the first salvo in a war against religion and traditional morality.

Ambassador to El Salvador Mari Carmen Aponte, a recess appointee who is currently facing confirmation by the U.S. Senate, has come under severe criticism for writing a letter published in papers inEl Salvadorwhich echoed the sentiments made by Sec. Clinton. Concerned citizens ofEl Salvador, outraged by the insult to their culture, are askingU.S.citizens to pressure their Senators to, by refusing to confirm Ambassador Aponte, send a message to the Obama administration that this kind of disrespectful behavior is not acceptable.

As to the substance of the speech, it is true that GLBT persons are more likely to be victims of violence, but this is because they are more likely to engage in high risk behavior and much of the violence they experience originates in their own communities. GLBT identified persons are: more likely than others to abuse alcohol or drugs; more likely to socialize at establishments, venues, or events where overindulgence in alcohol and drugs is common and where illegal drugs are sold or distributed; more likely to have sex with strangers; more likely to have sex in public places; more likely to solicit sex on the internet; more likely to engage in prostitution; more likely to have become sexually active at a younger age; more likely to have been raped or sexually abused. All of the above make a person (regardless of sexual orientation) more likely to be a victim of violence.

In addition, GLBT identified persons are more likely to suffer from psychological disorders, including depression and suicidal ideation. Such conditions along with substance abuse make it more difficult for GLBT identified persons to maintain long term relationships. Infidelity (the norm among gay identified men) and the desire for control (common among lesbian identified women) lead to relationship problems and may account for the high rate of domestic violence among same-sex couples.

The most common act of violence within the GLBT community occurs when a man who knows or has reason to believe that he is HIV positive or carrying another sexually transmitted disease (STD) has sex with an uninfected person. In the USAafter 30 years of education and warnings, the AIDS epidemic continues unabated among MSM (men who have sex with men). Since 1981, 300,000 MSM have died of AIDS, and 6,000 are expected to die this year and every year for the foreseeable future. In 2008, 17,940 MSM were diagnosed with HIV infections, an increase of 17% from 2005. MSM accounted for 53% of all new infections. MSM are 44 to 86 times more likely to be diagnosed HIV positive than men who don’t.[2] Other STDS, some incurable, some linked to cancer, are epidemic among MSM.

A few members of the GLBT have tried to convince the others to, at least, moderate their behavior, but their warnings have been rejected. The GLBT community continues to insist that the excesses are the essence of what it means to be ‘gay’.

The problems listed above are more prevalent in parts of theUSAwhere there is the most tolerance of the GLBT behavior and therefore there is no reason to believe that a change in culture inEl Salvadoror other countries would protect GLBT identified persons.

The only real solution to the self-destructive and high risk behaviors common in the GLBT community is the prevention and treatment of same-sex attraction and gender identity disorder. The GLBT community, however, has done everything in its power to discourage prevention and treatment and vilify those who offer it. They have perpetuated the myth – in spite of massive evidence to the contrary — that GLBT persons are ‘born that way,’ can’t change, and trying is dangerous.

Ambassador Aponte suggested that the people ofEl Salvadorlearn “about what it means to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.” If they learn the truth — and not the distortions and lies spread by gay activists — they will discover that they are on the right side of this issue.


 For the references which support the statements made above check out the following at

The Syndemic of HIV/AIDS among MSM

The Band Plays On

Do Gay straight Alliances Cause Cancer?

The “Born that Way” Myth

The “Can’t Change” Myth

The “Just as Healthy” Myth

Blame Homophobia

A 49 page article entitled “The Syndemic of STDS among Gay Men” is available by email from

[1] Hillary Rodham Clinton, “Remarks in Recognition of International Human Rights Day”Geneva,Switzerland, December 6, 2011

[2] CDC, “HIV among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM),” (Sept. 2010).

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